Climate Change refers to any alter in climate over time, regardless of whether due to natural variability or consequently of human activity. The alterations are attributed directly or indirectly to human activity which alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that is in addition to natural climate variability.
"No country on earth has some considerably natural diversity and no where apart from the poles is climate change happening so quick. The glaciers are retreating, the monsoon rains are getting significantly more intense and farming is being harder than ever."
Nepal is basically a small landlocked country in South Asia. The nation of the Mount Everest plus the great Himalayas is right now facing some consequences of climate change.
A group calling themselves Climate Change Refugees gathered on 17th Avenue in Calgary, Alberta on December 8th, 2007 for the International Day of Action on Climate Change. The growing developments that causes emission of green household gases in the developed countries is resulting is often a severe environmental problems in a lot of poorer nation such as Nepal. The shift in weather conditions factors these nations to face a number of calamities such as flood, droughts, landslides, soil erosion, shift in farming practices and productivity and a whole lot of other social consequences. With additional enhance in global temperature its impacts on human getting is increasing tremendously. So this is time that we recognize the impacts of the global climate change and commence action to counter attack it.
Rise of temperature in the dollars city of the nation, Kathmandu is too a critical consequences of the global climate change in Nepal. The mean temperature during summer and winter season raised by a lot more than 1 and about 2 degree Celsius progressively in current years. This is an significant consequences of the human induced climate change. Similar trends are noticed in southern Terai plains. In these regions extreme temperatures which includes heat wave and cold stream are witnessed commonly for the duration of summer and winter season respectively. Loss of human lives because of cold stream is generally reported every year in Nepal.
This bridge, at Phunki Tengi in Sagarmatha National Park, was destroyed in a flood in the summer of 200 Climate alter is too responsible for erratic weather patterns which includes the thick haze that covers lots of parts of the southern plains of the country during winter seasons which destroys crops and livelihoods. The intensified monsoon is also developing hundreds of several environmental refugees. The unpredicted rainfall is making2 farming difficult. Thousand hectors of agricultural lands have turned into sand bank. Nepal is on the front line of climate alter and variations which for a couple of people the alterations are catastrophic.
The rain is now particularly distinctive and are increasingly unpredictable.It's additional concentrated and intense. It indicates that crop yields are going down. Many cultivable land are getting progressively washed by big and small rives for instance Narayani river,Koshi river, Tirshuli river and other people. Observations records that a number of of the fastest long-term increases in temperatures and rainfall is noticed in Nepal. At least 44 of Nepal's and neighbouring Bhutan's Himalayan lakes, which collect glacier meltwater, are said by the UN to be increasing so fast they they may burst their banks within a decade. Any climate change in Nepal is reflected during the area. Nearly 400 million people in northern India and Bangladesh as well depend on rainfall and rivers that rise there.
Street in Gaighat. This was taken for the duration of the rainy season in Nepal. The flooding is not normally also critical in Gaighat, but it can ruin fields and destroy crops at the neighborhood villages. Causes of floods in the country are at all times triggered by rapid melting of snow and ice in high mountain regions. The increasing melting of the Glacier Lakes in the Himalaya due to exposure to warmer temperature, is principal cause of floods at the nation. Due to this, a few individuals are killed and thousands are rendered homeless in this nation adding to the poverty of this bad nation.
Although the share of Nepal in the global emission of greenhouse gases is negligible, a whole lot of bitter consequences having began ruling Nepal. In the current years, Nepal is witnessing constant disturbances in its ecology as a result of climate change resulting floods, severe landslides, soil erosion and effects of the climate change.
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